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Korean Studies Online: проект Барбары Уолл

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Korean Studies Online: проект Барбары Уолл

Сообщение alkinsv » Сб дек 12, 2020 10:10 am

В блоге atsman (https://atsman.livejournal.com) обнаружилось видео проекта Korean Studies Online Барбары Уолл из Копенгагенского университета.
Подписчиков пока тридцать человек.
Это ролик из серии коротких видеозаписей, в которых корееведы обсуждают проблемы, над которыми они сейчас работают.
В первом, выложенном ролике, о The global diaspora of Koryo Saram after 1990 беседуют Ж.Г. Сон (Москва) и В.М. Тихонов (Осло).

Подробности о проекте см. https://www.kstudiesonline.com
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Re: Korean Studies Online: проект Барбары Уолл

Сообщение alkinsv » Вт мар 16, 2021 6:06 pm

Приглашение от автора проекта:

Dear All,

Would you be interested in participating in an online video discussion and share your work? The aim of our video series is to discuss ongoing research and stay connected. The videos are supported by a grant from AKS and each discussant can now receive a honorarium of 3000 DKK.

Each discussion has one overall topic and two discussants who have published on this topic. To facilitate academic exchange between scholars working in different countries, the language of the discussion can be English or Korean or both. We produce subtitles in English, Korean and also in Danish. The max. length of each video is 15 min. The recording on zoom usually takes around one hour, but we cut the video down to 15 min. Until now, I can say that the discussions were always exciting and felt more like interesting conversations among friends.

The video series is not limited to any time or discipline, but aims for diversity in Korean Studies. Here you can find the videos we published until now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChkTt1 ... 7t8yXcW__g

If you are interested, please send me an email with the topic you would like to talk about, the name of your discussion partner, and your publications on the topic.

All the best,

Barbara Wall
Assistant Professor Korean Studies

Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixens Plads 8
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Phone: +45-51799185
Mail: barbara.wall@hum.ku.dk
Link: https://ccrs.ku.dk/staff/?pure=en/persons/583023
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