An Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Western Languages.
Compiled, Annotated and Edited by Frank Joseph Shulman, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.
Крупнейший американский библиограф корееведения Ф.Д.Шульман вот уже много лет составляет многотомный труд "Столетие диссертаций по Корее. 1903-2004". Завершение работы предполагается в текущем году.
Он просит всех российских корееведов, защитившихся по Корее в период до 2004 г. включительно, прислать свои сведения для его труда. Подробности в прилагаемом письме:
This major research project, under way since 2000 and slated for completion and publication as a multivolume reference work during the second half of 2008, seeks to provide scholars, graduate students, librarians and other individuals engaged in research about Korea with a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, descriptively annotated, classified, cross-referenced and indexed bibliography of all known Western-language doctoral dissertations that deal in their entirety or just in part with Korea and with Korean overseas communities and international students. Intended to serve as a permanent record of a century of important scholarship, its coverage currently extends to more than 13,600 dissertations accepted by over 850 degree-awarding institutions worldwide.
The origins of this bibliography date back to the late 1960s, when Frank Joseph Shulman began work on his "Japan and Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Western Languages, 1877-1969" (Chicago: American Library Association; London: Frank Cass, 1970). This basic reference work was followed by the publication of a second cumulative bibliography focusing on doctoral research from the years 1969-1979 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982) and by the Korea-related entries dating from the mid-1970s through the early 1990s that appeared in the sixteen volumes of Shulman's bibliographical journal "Doctoral Dissertations on Asia", published by the Association for Asian Studies, Inc. in Ann Arbor,, Michigan. While these works were widely used at the time of their publication and continue to serve some scholarly needs, they are now outdated. The number of doctoral dissertations on Korea in Western languages written each year more than quadrupled from 168 titles in 1980 to at least 708 in the year 2000 as a consequence of Korea's growing prominence in the world, the emigration of hundreds of thousands of South Koreans to North America and Europe, the expansion of East Asian (including Korean) Studies in the West, and most notably the enrollment of tens of thousands of Korean nationals each year in postgraduate degree programs abroad, Indeed, more dissertations relating in some way to Korea were completed in the year 2000 alone than during the nearly seventy year period 1903-1969. Furthermore, 6,378 dissertations--57% of all of the Western-language theses on Korea accepted by accredited institutions of higher learning throughout the twentieth century--were written just between 1990 and 2000. This explosion of academic research alone justifies the creation of this new cumulative bibliography, a bibliography based on a wide range of primary and secondary, published and unpublished, sources of information that in addition provides more detailed and authoritative coverage than has been available in any single source of information up to now.
"A Century of Doctoral Dissertations on Korea" covers studies not only in the humanities, the social and behavioral sciences, and education but also in the natural sciences, engineering, architecture, law, medicine and health. While more than two-thirds of these dissertations have been written in the United States, intensive efforts have been made to cover doctoral research in many other countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong (China), Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, and Vatican City. Regretfully, the coverage for some of those countries remains incomplete due to the lack of available sources of information or other difficulties.
Wherever possible, each bibliographical entry provides the following information::
(1) Author's full name, year of birth, and (within the descriptive annotation) an indication of his or her gender;
(2) Dissertation title and subtitle as well as their translation into English whenever the thesis typescript is written in another language;
(3) Name and country of the degree-awarding institution, calendar year and type of the doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., D.Min., Doctorat nouveau regime, D.S.W., D.B.A., Dr.-Ing., Dr. jur., Ed.D., J.S.D., Th.D.), and the author's academic major or department;
(4) Chairperson of the author's doctoral committee or his/her major thesis adviser, supervisor or director;
(5) Exact pagination of the entire dissertation typescript;
(6) Bibliographical citations to all known published thesis abstracts (for example, "Dissertation Abstracts International");
(7) An indication of the availability, or at least the location, of copies of the dissertation (including the University Microfilms International [UMI] order number and the call number of the copy held by the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago, in all appropriate cases);
(8) An indication of the availability of an electronic version of the dissertation typescript (when readily known);
(9) Descriptive, approximately 100-150 word long, annotation (in English) of the scope, contents, objectives, conclusions and/or relevance of the dissertation;
(10) Title of each chapter in the dissertation's table of contents. (An English-language translation is included for dissertations in Russian);
(11) Number of charts, diagrams, figures, maps, photographs, plates and tables (if any), number and inclusive pagination of the appendices (if any), and the inclusive pagination of the bibliography within the dissertation typescript;
(12) Bibliographical citations to one or more monographs published by the author in a Western language (and, occasionally, in Korean) that present the original text or a revised version of his/her dissertation;
(13) Bibliographical citation to the author's master's thesis when it deals with Korea (or, in some cases, East Asia) and could readily be identified.
Furthermore, whenever possible, each entry has been prepared on the basis of an examination of a copy of the dissertation itself rather than from secondary sources of information, which all too often are incomplete, inaccurate and accordingly not authoritative in nature. More than 16,000 dissertations have been examined in order to identify those titles that were deemed appropriate for inclusion.
The vast majority of the thousands of studies covered in this bibliography, if published at all, have so far appeared in print only as journal articles or as chapters in edited volumes and conference proceedings. Accordingly, with its completion and publication, this definitive reference work should noticeably increase access to and stimulate greater use of a significant body of scholarship, provide the authors of the dissertations with greater visibility, offer overviews of research trends about Korea throughout the twentieth century, and advance the frontiers of human and scientific knowledge worldwide in the field of Korean Studies.
Contributions of bibliographical information and requests by authors to review the draft bibliographical entries for their own dissertations prior to the completion of this bibliography should be sent either by e-mail or by air mail directly to
Frank Joseph Shulman
Bibliographer, Editor and Consultant for Reference Publications in Asian Studies
9225 Limestone Place
College Park, Maryland 20740-3943 (U.S.A.)
E-mail: fshulman[a]
Messages sent by e-mail should include the word "Dissertation" in the subject line. All e-mail messages should initially be sent only in PLAIN TEXT.
February 20, 2008