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Handbook for Korean Studies Librarianship Outside of Korea

Модератор: brainmort

Handbook for Korean Studies Librarianship Outside of Korea

Сообщение salvare » Чт мар 05, 2015 10:48 pm

It has been 12 years since the Committee on Korean Materials (CKM) published the Korean Librarianship Outside of Korea: A Practical Guide and Manual. In 2012, in an effort to provide the most up-to-date and thorough overview of Korean collection operations, CKM planned the handbook project sponsored by the National Library of Korea. The Committee members and authors have been working hard preparing these manuals during the last two years, and the editors devoted themselves to reviewing and editing materials written by the authors over the summer of 2014.

This handbook covers practical information relevant to Korean Studies librarianship:
- collection development methods and principles
- acquisitions
- cataloging
- reference sources
- approaches to information literacy and the liaison librarian role
- in-depth bibliographies of free and fee-based electronic resources
- issues related to information technology and library services
- case studies of four Korean studies collections
- characteristics of Korean Studies librarianship.

http://www.eastasianlib.org/ckm/koreanl ... nship.html
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