1. Themes
- Image of Korea from the International Point of View
- Images of Korea in foreign instructional materials (foreign textbooks, Internet sites, etc.)
- Proposals on how to improve the image of Korea abroad (Creative ways to improve the image of Korea in your country)
- Application of Understanding Korea Materials
- Review the application of Understanding Korea materials and ideas for developing them
※ Understanding Korea materials published by AKS can be requested for the purpose of this contest. Available in: CEFIA Website → Understanding Korea materials, Publications.
2. Eligibility: Foreigners, Koreans living abroad
3. Submission: Fill out the application format and submit by e-mail. (highspirit@aks.ac.kr)
- Language: Korean or English
- Essay Length: About 3 pages in A4 format
Center for International Affairs homepage and submit (only the official format will be accepted).
※ Submitted essays will not be returned, and the CEFIA will obtain the copyright.
※ Applications can be submitted using either Theme 1 or Theme 2 or both.
4. Application Period: June 1 - July 31, 2018
※ Submissions after the deadline will not be accepted.
5. Announcement: September 20, 2018
※ The result of the contest will be posted on the Center's website,
(http://www.ikorea.ac.kr/english/) and all winners will be notified individually.
7. Contact
- The Center for International Affairs, Division of Understanding Korea Project
- Email: highspirit@aks.ac.kr
- Tel: (+82)-31-739-9731, 9725
- Fax: (+82)-31-739-9726
- Email: highspirit@aks.ac.kr