Dear Friends,
Some of you may have seen this fascinating hour-long film made by a German Catholic priest/missionary (Father Norbert Weber (sp?), a Benedictine monk or priest) in 1925, but, if you haven't, you should. It also contains still photos Weber shot on an earlier trip to Korea in 1911. It shows a lot of things that none of us, and almost no living Korean, has ever seen. I think it should be shared widely as our friend Peter Bartholomew has already done.
It was put together as a KBS Special but somehow comes to us through Chinese hands.
If you just click on, it should open, but if it doesn't try pasting it into your browser.
Ed Baker
По ссылке указанной в сообщении можно увидеть фильм сделанный KBS, в который включен фильм немецких католиков-миссионеров.